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Feds axe 12 Banff Parks Canada jobs

Feds axe 12 Banff Parks Canada jobs

Parks Canada was one of the hardest hit agencies in the federal government’s latest round of job cuts – and the mountain national parks have not been spared, including flagship Banff.
Parks Canada putting brakes on Banff's pedestrian zone

Parks Canada putting brakes on Banff's pedestrian zone

“Now that the unprecedented times are behind us, the proposed ongoing commercial use – e.g. restaurant patios, outdoor merchandise displays – of public space, is contrary to the laws which ensure this special place is protected and that both the Town of Banff and Parks Canada remain committed to."
YEAR IN REVIEW: Banff and Lake Louise 2021

YEAR IN REVIEW: Banff and Lake Louise 2021

Banff and Lake Louise's year in review for 2021.
Year in review: headlines from Banff and Lake Louise in 2020

Year in review: headlines from Banff and Lake Louise in 2020

It was a year full of big news headlines for the town of Banff, the national park and the community of Lake Louise
YEAR IN REVIEW: Canmore in 2021

YEAR IN REVIEW: Canmore in 2021

Canmore in 2021: A year in review.
Backcountry enthusiasts urged to stay home as spring arrives

Backcountry enthusiasts urged to stay home as spring arrives

“We are still seeing people take some pretty aggressive ski lines in the valley, and thankfully nothing has gone wrong, but you never know how close you are sometimes in the avalanche world until you travel across that line.”
Banff 'bursting at the seams' as tourism soars

Banff 'bursting at the seams' as tourism soars

BANFF – The soaring popularity of Banff National Park has reignited a decades-old debate over limits to the number of people at certain iconic tourist hot spots like Moraine Lake and Lake Louise.
CPAWS calling for visitor use management strategy for Banff National Park

CPAWS calling for visitor use management strategy for Banff National Park

“Banff is the most visited Canadian national park. Banff should be a leader in this,” said Sarah Elmeligi, an independent consultant with Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society . “Visitation continues to grow and if we’re not proactive in adjusting it, we’re just going to end up being a dog chasing it tail.”
Roam transit budget focuses on growth, increased service hours, staffing

Roam transit budget focuses on growth, increased service hours, staffing

“We’re comfortable with these requests allowing us to operate more efficiently and hopefully get a little ahead being reactive. We’ve had some challenges with staff and losing staff because of the pressures we’ve put on them to perform and operate for 20 hours every day. That’s where some of the asks come from.”
Additional Banff Roam service levels supported by commission

Additional Banff Roam service levels supported by commission

“What we’ve seen is if transit is more convenient and easier, people will start to use it. … The ones who don’t have cars are waiting for the bus, but people who have a car will jump in their car because they don't want to wait,”
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